I spoke to a friend of mine, he does not work for ferrari but collaborates with them for road cars and saw some cad images of how the car will be. He says there's some worry about the new ferrari. that's because the new car is gonna be very different from the F60, the project is extreme and some solutions are pretty aggressive. The air box zone should be quite innovative for example. About the engine, they think they are at a good point with fuel consumption. each team working at the different parts of the car know nothing about the other teams, everything is been kept absolutely secret in the factory. Anyway as said, what they fear at the moment, is that they "bit off more that they could chew", let's say.
This is what an user of an italian f1 forum says about the new ferrari. i translate it from italian
This is what an user of an italian f1 forum says about the new ferrari. i translate it from italian
ich weiss zwar nicht, was der letzte satz exakt bedeutet, aber hört sich ganz so an als wäre ferrari zu radikal gewesen mit dem neuen auto.