vogtsophob hat geschrieben:
Hat jemand mitbekommen, wann und von wem Schumacher eigentlich die Reifenspuren am linken Side-Pod abbekommen hat? Die sahen ja ziemlich eindrucksvoll aus, da muss es ja mal knapp gewesen sein, aber in welcher Situation eigentlich? Ich hab das garnicht mitbekommen.

Da bin ich schon wieder - Pressekonferrenz - tja wenn RTL ihre eigenen Scheiß lassen würde und die wirklich wichtigen Sachen übertragen würde ...
Q: Michael, we could see in your left sidepod a sign of tire damage. What happened?
MICHAEL SCHUMACHER: I had a little incident with David, which I was already inside. I was basically through, then he just closed the door. So that meant that we hit each other. It was very tight. I could have easily lost my nose by that stage. I don't know what went through him. Usually when you're that far inside, you just leave a little bit of room to survive. But he just pushed me inside. I touched the curb. I had no option. But, you know, that's the way it is.