Na überfordert scheinst nur du mir zu sein.
Ich lese auch in den Zitaten der Fahrer nicht heraus, dass Webber kein Kers an Bord hatte.
"Kein Kers haben" hat man auch, wenn das System ausgefallen ist.
Also nochmal. Mach bitte nicht die Pferde scheu, nur um gegen Red Bull und Vettel zu bashen

Wenn du ein Zitat findest, wo einer vom Team sagt, dass man bei Webber kein Kers verbaut hat, darfst du dich gerne nochmal melden und über die unfairen Red Bulls schimpfen

Webber in der Pressekonferrenz nach dem Quali:
"MW: It’s always hard. I think we know that a lot of people are on different strategies in practice. Clearly, we’ve got a quick car but you still come up on people and most people we can pass without KERS, within reason obviously. Most of the field are a bit off; obviously when we come against Ferraris and McLarens and those sort of guys it’s more even. KERS is something which you should always push to have and, as I’ve touched on, the guys have done a monumental job in getting everything here. It’s a long season, so we needed to try to introduce it as soon as possible, we’re learning with every lap. We believe it’s the right thing; that’s why it’s on the car and we’ll go into tomorrow’s race and learn even more again. It’s a good step from the team this weekend. Ferocious conditions for the guys to work in. I don’t know how well the curfew is working but I look in their eyes and it doesn’t look so clever, the curfew, but anyway, they’ve done a great job."Und nun indalo?