CENIZA nur für dich

Stirling Moss: "Quite frankly, Kimi Raikkonen is the fastest driver in the world"
Sergio Rinland: "I looked in his eyes and I thought 'I've seen this look before. And I know where I saw that look before. And it gave me goosebumps when I remembered that look. It was Senna."
huiii, wie melodramatisch!
Willy Rampf: "During his first F1 season with Sauber he concentrated on what he was doing. Even if we lost some practise because of a technical problem he never panicked. It was clear from the very beginning that he was special...He knew exactly what he needed to make the car quick.
Chris Dyer: "He tends not to be distracted by what else is going on and he focuses on the job we are doing. It is very much a perception from the outside that he isn't focused - we don't see that. When he's in the car, briefings, debriefings, he's always on the job and very focused."
da hast due es! und chris dyer ist ferrari-angestellter, soweit ich weiß...
Stefano Domenicali: “It has to be said also that Kimi is unbelievable. He's so focused in his work. Nothing else than his work.”
ääähmm...ich glaube der ist auch bei ferrari...
Chris Dyer: "Kimi is more relaxed than Michael, and less concerned about technical details. If we turn up with a new part, Kimi will say, "Let's throw it on and see what happens"; Michael would have wanted to know what the simulation tests said. What you see is what you get with Kimi: he never plays games. But on the track, he is very strong mentally. He is not affected by pressure."
und schon wieder nette worte von unserem lieben chrisilein...
Stefano Domenicali: "He should know that behind him and together with him there's a team that's capable of exalting his talent, which, believe me, is unique in the world."
dieses zitat ist wohl allen bekannt!
Jean Todt: "Kimi fits better than Alonso in the philosophy of Ferrari, is the product of his personality, his way of being, is modest and nothing arrogant." (at the time of electing Kimi over Alonso)
ja, ja... wäre der todt geblieben...
Fernando Alonso: "Spa only earns the best" (Speaking just before the 2009 race where Kimi won the Belgium GP for the fourth time)
von deinem liebling höchstpersönlich!
Andrea Stella: "Kimi was able to do so many things behind the wheel that our engineers' advice wouldn't have been of help there. In that sense Kimi is better than Michael Schumacher. When I was working as Michael's data engineer we always had to tell him accurately how he could drive faster in different corners according to the computer. With Kimi you don't need these kind of advice. He finds the solutions himself."
so, ich muss jetzt nicht erklären wer andrea stella ist!
Jonathan Noble: "One team insider suggested that, looking at the data, Raikkonen has once again been doing things in the cockpit of a very difficult car that they can hardly believe. He is going beyond what, theoretically, the F60 would be capable of in normal hands as though the Finn's last great act of defiance is to prove to his former bosses that they were wrong."
das ist einer meiner lieblings-zitate über kimi!
Stefano Domenicali: "I consider Raikkonen, in absolute terms, at the same level of Fernando, Felipe, Lewis. So, why this change? Because I'm sure our team, Ferrari, needs a man more similar to Schumi, as for the relationship with the team. Kimi is very fast, very competitive but also very closed, introvert. It's not a limit and not a guilt: it's his temper. With a winning car, he was and he is perfect. With a car to fix and a team to direct, I believe Alonso is superior. This I explained to Raikkonen: he wasn't happy but he understood."
ich will mal nicht so sein... auch was für dich!
Andrea Stella: "I won't miss Kimi only because of humane reasons but also because I know how fast and achievement-oriented driver he is. Brawn has dominated this season with the best car but since summer Lewis Hamilton and Kimi have collected most points. It's not because of the cars but it's based on the fact that Lewis and Kimi have been the best drivers of the series."
aber kimi ist der beste!
und neulich hast du ein interview mit baldisseri gepostet, aber nur das negative zitiert, ich mach mal das gegenteil!
"Wenn man sich die Telemetriedaten von Kimi angeschaut hat, dann konnte man immer wieder besondere Dinge erkennen. Einige Daten waren beeindruckend. So etwas konnte nur Kimi", sagt Baldisseri. Und weiter: "Es besteht überhaupt kein Zweifel daran, dass er unfassbar viel Talent hat."
es reicht jetzt. peace out!